About Us
Dimension Zero Studios was started in 2015 by two brothers from Cupar Saskatchewan, Jarrod and Joe Anderson. Before beginning work in VR Jarrod was a website developer, an aspiring 3D animator and also taught about treaty myths and misconceptions in a day course for school districts and unions. Before starting a business with his brother, Jarrod got his first website job with the Fishing Lake First Nation Trust, and held the position for about 10 years. Joe was the front-man of the band 'the Black Drapes,' he was also 3D modelling, and an I.T. person for small meetings. The Anderson brothers heard about Oculus through various podcasts, and decided to throw their hat in the ring. They did their research, bought an Oculus DK2 and started learning blueprint programming with Unreal Engine 4, and have been hard at it ever since. In 2018 they were accepted into the Oculus Launchpad Program as part of the top 100 VR developers from Canada and the United States. The brothers both share an entrepreneurial spirit and an enthusiastic interest in computers and plan to further their work in VR.

The Anderson brothers are proud of their metis heritage, and are also eligible for First Nations status. They are currently working on acquiring their membership from Cotes First Nation and have started the application for their Metis status. Their grandfather Walter Langan was a charter/founding member of the Regina 'Friendship Center'. A Cree man from Cote's First Nation, he was also a grass dancer, and was disenfranchised from Cote's for leaving the reserve without a permit to attend university in Brandon Manitoba. Their grandmother Louise Anderson was a charter member of the Metis society in Moose Jaw, and helped mold the Metis Housing Society also in Moose Jaw. A member of the James Smith First Nation in Saskatchewan, she was a Cree, Scottish and a Saulteaux woman. The Anderson Bros. father Terrence is a teacher, and has taught at various reserves in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

On the brothers European side of their family, it is a mix of English, Spanish, Irish, Scottish and German. Their Grandfather was an Instrumentation Engineer at S.I.A.S.T. Palliser Campus and always had the newest technologies in the house, which fostered the boys lifelong tech interests. Jarrod's first introduction to a computer was his Grandfather's Macintosh II, and a copy of the game 'Manhole' when he was around 4 years old. Their family also attended a small church that had quite a few members that were into home computers, when they weren't in very many homes.

The Anderson's have lived in many types of communities, due to their father's teaching career. Starting off in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, they moved to a Northern Alberta reserve called Desmerais. The boys attended school in the neighboring reserve Wabasca, until moving to a small Mormon community in Southern Alberta called Magrath. After that the family was off to an even smaller farming community in centeral Saskatchewan named Cupar, where the boys both graduated high school. Jarrod earned a certificate from S.I.A.S.T. Wascana campus New Media Communications course. Joe took some university at the U of R in the field of Computer Science, and Film.